

If You Could Only Ask One Question, Use This One.

Was a task difficult or easy to complete? Performance metrics are important to collect when improving usability but perception matters just as much. Asking a user to respond to a questionnaire immediately after attempting a task provides a simple and reliable way of measuring task-performance satisfaction. Questionnaires administered at the end of a test such

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Performance Satisfaction And Perception Satisfaction

Asking questions immediately after a user attempts a task compliments task-performance data such as task times and completion rates. Post-task satisfaction data is a bit different than the questionnaires asked after a usability test (such as the SUS).  There is a strong correlation (r > .6) between post-task ratings and post-test ratings. Knowing one can

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Are The Terms Formative And Summative Helpful Or Harmful?

Most usability testing involves finding and fixing problems as part of an iterative design process to make an interface more usable. It is typically called a Formative Usability Evaluation. In contrast, a Summative Usability Evaluation describes the current usability of an interface—as measured by things like task times, completion rates and satisfaction scores. Summative tells

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Can We Trust Data From Professional Usability Test-Takers?

There has been a bit of an explosion in remote usability testing tools of late. Some of these companies also offer to recruit and provide you with users who are paid to take your usability test (, Feedback Army and EasyUsability to name a few). These services allow for quick (almost immediate) feedback from users.

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Do Performance Data And Satisfaction Data Measure The Same Thing?

In a usability test you typically collect some type of performance data: task times, completion rates and perhaps errors or conversion rates. It is also a good idea to use some type of questionnaire which measures the perceived ease-of-use of an interface. This can be done immediately after a task using a few questions (post-task

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Can You Use The SUS For Websites?

The System Usability Scale (SUS) is the most popular standardized usability questionnaire. SUS was developed about 20 years ago at Digital Equipment Corporation by John Brooke. It’s popular for two reasons: it’s free and short (at only 10 questions). The process of taking a set of ordinary questions and making it into a psychometrically valid

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Does Better Usability Increase Customer Loyalty?

Would you recommend your cell-phone to a friend?  How about the rental car company you just used?  Customer loyalty is an important attribute of a product or service’s long-term viability.  There are many ways to measure the construct of customer satisfaction and loyalty and they usually involve questionnaires, such as the American Customer Satisfaction Index

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Does Usability Exist?

Is there such thing as usability? This might sound like a silly question considering the industry around usability testing and user experience consulting (not to mention this website). But you can’t touch usability and there is no usability thermometer to measure its presence or absence.  While we can talk about usability and know it when

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What is Quantitative Usability?

Imagine a marketing department asking for more money to conduct a direct-mail campaign and their only justification was that marketing is a critical business advantage. Now contrast that with an argument that showed that in a previous direct-mail campaign the response rate of 3% was more than twice the industry average and was achieved from

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How much is a PhD Worth?

Does a PhD pay off financially? I recently helped conduct the statistical analysis of the UPA 2009 salary survey[pdf], and used this opportunity to look into the data to see if I could calculate how much a PhD affects salaries in this profession.  The dataset contains salary information for a wide range of jobs in

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