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UX and NPS Benchmarks of Banking Websites (2024)

Online banking is ubiquitous. Banking websites and apps are an integral part of our financial lives. They are no longer seen as merely nice-to-have features of a banking relationship. Consumers have come to expect the ability to do simple and complex banking transactions from their computers or phones. This digital transformation especially accelerated during the

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UX and NPS Benchmarks of Home Furniture Websites (2024)

Choosing furniture, whether you’re moving into a new home or just updating your space, can feel like a daunting task. Spending hours browsing one furniture store after another may be overwhelming and time consuming. Many shoppers are skipping the brick-and-mortar furniture stores and turning to the web in search of stylish and competitively priced furniture

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feature image with hotel bed

UX and NPS Benchmarks of Hotel Websites (2023)

Planning your next vacation can be both exciting and overwhelming. Most travelers do their research and make reservations for flights, activities, and accommodations online. In particular, hotel websites offer the convenience of browsing, comparing, and booking hotels from anywhere. Hotel bookings and revenue have recovered from the depths of the pandemic. Yet with all this

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blog feature image with paint roller

UX and NPS Benchmarks of Home Paint Websites (2023)

Watching paint dry might be the definition of boring, but the process of picking a paint color and actually painting usually isn’t. Shopping for paint, however, can be frustrating. One early pain point is picking the right brand and color of paint. The process of selecting a paint often starts online at paint websites. Paint

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UX and NPS Benchmarks of Home Improvement Websites (2023)

The home improvement industry has experienced continued growth in the United States over the last several years, with market value projected to exceed $600 billion by 2025, according to Statista. Since the COVID-19 pandemic forced people into lockdowns in 2020, interest has increased in do-it-yourself (DIY) projects such as painting, remodeling, and landscaping, contributing to

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Featured image of theme park roller coasters

UX and NPS Benchmarks of Theme Park Websites (2023)

While life can feel like a metaphorical roller coaster, in some cases, there is a literal roller coaster. In 2021, over 100 million people ventured to a theme park in North America. For many of these visitors, the experience started well before the thrill of the ride, when they bought tickets and researched details about

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Feature image: UX and NPS Benchmarks of Office Supply Websites (2023)

UX and NPS Benchmarks of Office Supply Websites (2023)

When people need office supplies, they’re unlikely to use Dunder Mifflin; instead, they’ll search online. But like the fictional paper supply company, many well-known office-supply brands (some with physical stores) have struggled to compete with Amazon and haven’t recovered from the impacts of COVID policies on in-person work. In 2019, Office Depot closed 50 stores,

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UX and NPS Benchmarks of Electronics Websites (2023)

What do people buy online? Behind clothing, consumer electronics are at the top of the list. Beyond smartphones, people purchase computers, TVs, tablets, gaming consoles, and a myriad of smartphone accessories. Before purchasing, roughly half of US consumers research details about consumer products online, including features, reviews, and prices. To understand the electronics researching and

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graphical user interface, application

How Variable Are UX Rating Scales? Data from 100,000 Responses

When working with UX metrics (e.g., rating scale data) you need to consider both the average and the variability of the responses. People have different experiences with interfaces, and sometimes they interpret items in rating scales differently. This variability is typically measured with the standard deviation. The standard deviation is a key ingredient in computing

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UX and NPS Benchmarks of Clothing Retail Websites (2023)

Buying clothing starts online for many people. Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic—during which 27% of US consumers said they intended to spend less on fashion and luxury items—the fashion and clothing sector has persevered as the largest B2C e-commerce market. Statista reported that the online fashion market is growing about 9.1% each year.

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