Task Based Usability Testing
The core idea behind usability testing is having real people (users) try to accomplish real tasks on your software, websites, mobile apps, or devices. Through observing both what users do and say we are able to both quantify the experience using metrics and understand the problems in the experience.
The emphasis of a task-based usability study can be performance/metrics based (often called a benchmark or summative evaluation) or finding and fixing problems (called a formative study).
MeasuringU provides full services for each phase of task-based usability testing.
- Refining research questions, hypotheses, and metrics. We often recommend a mixed-methods services for task-based usability testing that involves (where possible) a large unmoderated study and a moderated in-depth qualitative component.
- Defining the tasks, writing the scenarios, and recommending pre- and post-study questions.
- Hosting the testing environment for unmoderated studies or setting up software and hardware.
- Recommending the right sample size. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all number; instead we work to identify the right number based on the type of study and level of precision needed.
MeasuringU can manage and recruit qualified participants for in-person and unmoderated testing from around the world. We assist in developing screeners, scheduling participants, and managing participant honorariums and communication.
Task-based studies include a detailed analysis of metrics, problems, and insights:
- Metrics: The most common metrics are completion rates, task time, and task and test level perception questions. For websites we recommend the SUPR-Q to provide a standardized measure of UX quality and a relative comparison to 150 other website scores.
- Problems: We provide descriptions of problems encountered by users and use screenshots, quotes, and video highlights to illustrate problems for development teams to fix.
- Insights: Usability tests aren’t just long lists of problems. We also include areas that worked well for users, and compliments and quotes from favorable interactions.