Kano Modeling


Kano modeling distinguishes between the expected features and the unexpected (delighting) features.

A representative set of participants rates how much they like features when the features are included in the product and how much they miss them when they aren’t included. The gap (you might call it the “satisfaction gap”) reveals which features customers deem essential and which ones they could live without but would delight them if included (e.g. cup holders in cars in 1983 or Wi-Fi on airplanes today).

MeasuringU provides full support for Kano modeling including planning, hosting, recruitment, and analysis.


  • Refining research questions, hypotheses, and metrics .
  • Refining the features to be rated, writing the questions, and recommending pre- and post-study questions.
  • Hosting a large survey, incorporating Kano questions, of potential or prospective customers using our custom survey platform.
  • Recommending the right sample size. There isn’t a one-size-fits all number; instead the right number is based on the level of precision needed. Kano Studies have between 50-300 participants, which provides a margin of error between 5%-9%.


MeasuringU can manage and recruit qualified participants. We assist in developing screeners, scheduling participants, and managing participant honorariums and communication.


The MeasuringU team analyzes the raw Kano responses and provides visual displays of the Kano categories. Features are categorized into Kano’s five emotional response types:

  • Attractive
  • One-dimensional
  • Must-haves
  • Unimportant
  • Undesired

typical engagement price:

$15,000 – $45,000

typical duration:

3-5 weeks

Sample Output

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