rating scale data grid with foreground text reading: The Variability and Reliability of Standardized UX Scales

The Variability and Reliability of Standardized UX Scales

In an earlier article, we examined a large dataset of rating scale data. After analyzing over 100,000 individual responses from 4,048 multipoint items across 25 studies, we reported the typical standard deviations for five-, seven-, and eleven-point items. We found that the average standard deviation tended to be around 25% of the maximum range of

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Applying Rasch Analysis to UX Research

How do we know what a good measure is? We have written extensively about the benefits of using standardized measures such as questionnaires to measure the user experience. We have also written about the processes and methods used to build a standardized questionnaire. But where do these methods come from? Are they the best ones?

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